Thursday, June 5, 2008

Y'all won't believe this. I woke up and Scott was telling me to get my flops and the camera...kinda weird huh. Then he said Vern found a parrot, I thought how are going to catch a parrot. We put Vern in the house and looked under the deck and there it was..a cute little ferret. We picked it up and went inside and said, well now what do we do? Scott tried to google search what we could feed it, and then called Kemper to ask if they had a cat carrier to put the ferret in, she was everywhere. Then he remembered he saw our neighbors out the night before with flashlights in the middle of a storm. So we got Vern in the house and we walked over. As we got closer to their house the ferret got more restless while I was trying to hold her. When our neighbor came to the door, Scott asked if they lost a ferret and the screen door came flying open. They actually have four ferrets and two puppies. They were happy to see that she made it through the night and we were happy we found her home. What an interesting start to the day.

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